Love without limits
Love without limits is a privacy service dedicated to assisting people with romantic freedom all around the metaverse. A pro-porn movement. We encourage sexual exploration and polyamory. We believe in the separation of the digital world from the physical world. We deliver personalised track-covering of those wishing to live more than just one (love) life, without shame.
The process
2. Request a quote from our experts. We can assure you that it won't go above 20% of our suggested price.
3. Accept quote.
4. Complete your BSF (back story form).
5. Be covered and enjoy.
What is it like to be free?
"For the first time in 24 years, I actually feel happy. I wake up everyday, smile, kiss my wife, put on my headset and kiss my VR girlfriend." - male, 65, Denver US.
"I met my husband when we were 14, we're high school sweethearts, I love him dearly but this stopped me from exploring what I really like in the bedroom. With LWL, I can try out new things AND improve my sex life IRL." - female, 41, Sydney AUS.
"I have a stunning wife, 2 super smart and amazing children, a successful business I own with my brother-in-law and 5 grandchildren but... I'm gay. I got together with my wife when i was 22, this was in the 70s when gay wasn't so cool- with LWL, I can be my true self without losing the silver linings of my hetro IRL relationship. I now am in a 3-year VR relationship, I'm feel alive." - male, 81, San Francisco US.